Christian Values

Each term, we focus on a particular Christian Value.

An overview of our Christian Values, as well as information on symbols related to the values, can be found here.


Our current Christian Value is Truthfulness.


Our Christian Value last term was Service. See below or some of the valuable teachings we explored related to this:

Currently under construction


Please see below for the values we explored this year in our Collective Worship.

Our Christian Value in Term 1 was Thankfulness

Our Christian Value in Term 2 was Trust

Our Christian Value for Term 3 was Perseverance

Our Christian Value in Term 4 was Justice


Please see below for the values we explored last year in our Collective Worship.

Our Christian Value in Term 1 was Generosity

Our Christian Value in Term 2 was Compassion

Our Christian Value in Term 3 was Courage

Our Christian Value in Term 4 was Forgiveness

Our Christian Value in Term 5 was Friendship

Our Christian Value in Term 6 was Respect