Collective Worship

We celebrate our love of God through participating in daily Collective Worship in school.

This year’s Christian Values are Thankfulness, Trust, Perseverance, Justice, Service and Truthfulness. We follow a two year rotation of values, working closely with our clergy and church, St Philip and St James. Where possible, we take joy in holding services in the church for our pupils and parents.


Come to us with light O God,
Be with us this day.


We hold a daily Collective Worship in school, including regular reflection time focused on our current Christian Value. We model windows, mirrors and doors thinking, encouraging our pupils to look outwards at the world, reflect back on our lives and act – do something because of what they have learned.

Mondays: Mr Cottrell’s Collective Worship

Tuesdays: Teacher Lead Collective Worship

Wednesdays: Class-Based Collective Worship

Thursdays: Local Clergy members’ Collective Worship

Fridays: Reflective Collective Worship on current Christian Value

We also hold an additional Celebration Assembly on Fridays.