Bad Weather Provision

Snow Procedure

We try our utmost to keep our school open when it snows but sometimes we have to close.

In the event of school closure due to extreme weather overnight that prevents staff and pupils from safely travelling to school, the following procedures will be followed where possible:

  • A decision to close the school will be made by 7:30am after consultation between the head teacher, staff and chair of governors;
  • BBC Radio Wiltshire and Heart FM will be notified. These stations broadcast a list of school closure details at 15 minute intervals and also update the school closure lists on their respective websites;
  • A message will be posted on the school website;
  • All parents will be contacted by email or text;
  • A decision about whether the school will reopen or remain closed for a subsequent day will be made by 4:00pm and the school website will be updated;
  • Busy Bees Pre-School will remain shut while the school is shut.

If you do not receive a text or we are not included on the BBC Wiltshire list, the school will be open. We only make announcements if we are going to close.

You can read our Gritting and Extreme Weather policy here.