
If you have any queries, please try and catch us in person, either at the beginning or end of the school day on the gate. Alternatively, you can give us a call and we will arrange an appointment as soon as possible. If queries are regarding learning or pastoral need, these should initially go to your child’s class teacher. For queries regarding school processes, such as lunches or Parentmail, please contact the school office.

We request that parents please avoid sending long emails, but try to talk to us in person, ideally face-to-face or via phone call.

We hold parents’ evenings in October and February. Written reports on your child’s progress will be given to you at the end of Term 3 and at the end of the year. There is opportunity to meet with class teachers following publication of school reports.

We will send you a newsletter regularly, usually every two weeks. These are sent directly via Parentmail and also available on our school website. The calendar of school events is also published on our website.

We prefer to send you information by Parentmail, which should arrive via the Parentmail app or email. We also use a text service if we need to contact you at short notice, for example for extreme weather closures.